Hanging out in Carousel motives

Carousel has been a place usually me and my housemate hangout on monday as it was our day off... But we don't do shopping cause neither of us has girlfriends or any pretty girls around us... therefore we don't need to live up to an image.
Reason for us hanging out in carousel is the apportunity to dine in Box 3 or Han's Cafe in order to get great movie deals for $10 instead of $15... We could easily spent about 2.5 hours filling our stomach and enjoy watching movie for about $20... which is a good spending.... otherwise i would have gone to Utopia Myaree for karoake and spend $7 per hour which i would definitely spend more than 3 hours there plus meals, bubble tea, some bakery... which is obviously costly.

Sign board of Westfield Carousel
Main entrance of Carousel shopping Center
Look from top floor (cinema) to center of shopping center


First stop Box 3

Box 3 offers a large range of great tasting foods, desserts, cakes, beverages and cocktails. It combines the concept of restaurant dining, cafe style foods and bar like beverages
Quite mordern feel and nice environment
ooooO touch pad monitor, instead of waiting for the waitress to take your order you can juz order by touching the monitor a few times... It shows all the pictures of the food and prices as well.. The order will be sent to the kitchen directly.

my chicken mushroom with rice... *loves mushroomhesss.... too many chicken d... chew until overwork my jaw muscles abit spasm...

Next Stop Han's Cafe

Hans' Cafe has such a diverse range of cuisine combined with strong use of Asian images, bamboo floorboards and tall bamboo sticks wedged in washed stones serving as dividers... Typical Han's posters were hanging on the wall plus a few golden Buddha's statues combine with amber/ wooden chair and table and the use of dim light provide a good ambiance. It sures wanna be fashionable and modern with its decor, drink bar and cocktail selections.
However the service there is a bit poor, i assume their waitress are lowly paid :) When we 1st entered the waiteress juz ask us to go to table no. and hand us the menus instead of guiding us and bringing the menu to our table... bad service!!!
At the bar, plain water is self-serviced
My favourite dish... Fresh Spring Rollssss... damn la i tell you is so delicous when combine with its sauce... Slurrpp slurrppp...

My pork chop rice is the best pork chop one can get... It's so juicy and tender... The egg also very nice... yummieee~*

Overall is an enjoyable eating with large servings (couldn't finish my meal) and extensive menu... NOT TO FORGET GREAT MOVIE DEALS.. thats the whole purpose of dining in Han's cafe and Box 3.



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