Navigation GPS

Today so hapless..... i was suppose to hand-in my intern pharmacy workbook at subiaco and then go straight to work... but i didn't know the way from subiaco to work...
So the nite before, I spend like long mins finding my way in google map and WAHhh... navigation map is so useful larr..... i seems like so outdated only realizing how beneficial it can be.... previously i only uses google map to check out where is my house and places i been to (not realizing how useful it is). After playing with the navigation, i so wanna get a navigator so i don't get lost and always have to flip here and there with the map-book while driving.... so risky. Honestly when it comes to road issues.. i sux...

Proof: the pic below is the way from subiaco to midland (my working place)

The route i took

Sighhh... after planning my route i still manage to miss a sign and took the wrong way..... Actually i was on the correct path d waiting for traffic light to go green and turn into freeway... dunno what i was thinking at the time, i decided to turn away thinking it might be the wrong way...grrrrr

The way i took was the way i was familiar with... the round white dot is my house... so basically i drive past my home to go to work... haha


I've got my navigator (nokia N82) yipeeee.... very easy to use.... the road in australia is so organized.... from the view of map... most of the road map is square square which is good unlike in msia/malacca the road map is so twisted.... is so hard trying to use a navigator to get from point A to B.... 100% will take a long long way instead of a direct short way....

My nokia N82 navigation got voice somemore..... is very user friendly la.... it will tell you how many km more to go straight or before turning.... it will somemore ask you to stay on left or right lane.... so informative..... So unlike when u're going out with friends when only they knew the road....most of the time u get so frustated with them for not being informative enuff... This type of situation always happen la eg.

Driving till halfway, out of nowhere suddenly say eeehhh turn right.... or nono sorry keep going straight.....turn left turn left.... if at highway or the road is very congested and suddenly wan me to go from lane 1 to lane 3...
wah kau.....damn... need to cut in line wan ok..... u think no car on the road izzitt....

Back to my phone navigator.... tonite after work i decided to tryout my phone GPS system and give it a go and took a new way from work back home..... initially everything was going smooth... after 6 mins on the road... BATTERY LOW.... omgggg.... blackout.....Grrrrrrr..... driving in pitch dark place and is so damn hard looking at signs during at nite...
Most of all.... i only got my eye laser surgery done not so long ago and i suffer from halo and night glare effect.... not so bad la compare to the photo but something like that.... So each each blind turn i took makes me worry more... luckly i was able to find my way back.... Stupid phone battery so fast burn out... now i have to consider buying car-charger d....


What's in here? said…
Hahaa.. omg... if half way duno where.. how to go back ah? hahhahaa
luckily mine come with a car charger hahahha... lalala.. i got a car navigator.. kakaka..=P
Seven7th said…
eh KL road all so blur wan... ur car navigator got use meh??? no simply give u lousy directions arr
Unknown said…
yala..yala..comparing car navigator...luckily my navigator in my need waste those money...bluek...!!! from christy
Anonymous said…
This is great info to know.

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