A small awkward night

Today after work while i was walking out the premises to car park after saying goodbye to my colleagues i shouted *alright (meaning time to go ) then there was this guy whom is a regular customers was infront of me kept looking at me.... he thought that i muz hv got something to tell him like that.... this guy and his wife very 'stingy' wan lo... everytime buy stuff eg. pain killer will spend so much times keep on asking prices and then think got money buy or not.... deng we sell our stuff so cheap d somemore consider so damn long... the stuffs she buys wasn't enough to pay my salary for the time i serve her lo...
cannot tahan this kind of ppl
back to topic..... so while he's looking at me of coz i ignore him la act didn't see him.... later i go pump petrol marr.... mana tau so sui.... same time arrive at petrol station and somemore park juz beside my petrol stand.... deng.... how come so NGAM wan... coz he arrive 1st ma... so i try to buy sometime in my car let him pump 1st hahaha.... then when pumping keep on looking at meter..... Webfetti.com
Shitttt.... pump finish d.... have to go pay.... have to line behind him..... sigh~..... Of coz he look back at me and say HI..... damn lo i hate the look of his face k......
U guys know larr... in real life where will you treat everyone in your shop nice nice rite..... sure got alot outsider wan rite..... sometime you talk to these ppl is all for the sake of work only ma....Webfetti.com when u guys meet them at other place of coz u dun need to feel obligate to speak to them rite.... since you dun like them in the 1st place...
Sigh~ soo here goes our awkard conversation
a: Hi
me: Hi, juz finish work?
a: you? not me
pause like 5 sec ....... damnit my turn to reply i can't think of what to say.... errr chinese ppl will always ask have you eaten or not?.....
me: going back to have your dinner?
a: yes
me: your wife cooking for you?
a: haha, i'm lucky... keeps on mumbling....
me: then i cut in.... "r u having rice?" lol damn nothing else to ask..
a: no, pasta
damnn... why the line so slow like not moving at all.... Webfetti.comout of stupidity
me: do you eat rice? (of coz u eat la... i also know... hoping him to be some aussie who dun eat rice...)
a: yeah... (sounding like as though is common sense....DUH!)
me: do you like asian foods?
a: isn't that whats malaysia for?
ohhhh so riteee.... malaysia is all about food only.... okayy... found common topic d.... he muz have been to msia before la.... no need scare no words d..... can start building up relationship d..... dang..... time for us to pay the bill....... Grrrr.... the following conversation might make me change my opinion on them and maybe be friendly with them... but too bad didn't happen.... i still dun like them....
Today some guy came into my pharmacy and gave the pharmacist 2 prescription of the same drug but different strength... later found the strength that her gf take is wrong should be the same as his..... they got their prescription here for a few times d.... pharmacist couldn't contact the doctor lo.... the guy keep trying to persuade the pharmacist to change the strength for him.... telling him "i won't tell anyone about this, you also don't tell... nobody will know... we keep it between us okay" Webfetti.com deng..... u think u mafia arr wan to make us a deal we won't refuse or malaysia meh.... so cincai.... fuck u la..... Webfetti.com
coz the girl is taking the same medication as the guy ma.... so the pharmacist say i dispense your repeats la so she can take it... and once the script has been sorted with the doctor next time u can take hers.... then the guy same no no.....i dun see why cannot, whats wrong? stupid idiot larr that guy..... he say his gf will finish her tablets faster.... WTF u guys taking the same dosage ok.... anyway here comes the funny part.... coz her girl script has beeen dispensed d.... and the pharmacist wan to cancel the script to give that guy back la.... so he tear the repeats of the dispensed script la.... and the guy like got a shock.... and SHOUTED " WHATS YOUR PROBLEM MAN? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS??? #^%$#*@...... WHATS WRONG WITH YOU???
u dun mess with me...
Fuck la stupid moron.... dunno anything then dun simply shout like monkey like that la..... pharmacist also stupid wan... somemore be polite and trying to explain to him..... when the guy found out he wrong d... didn't apologise somemore show his fucking disgruntled constipated expression, get his medication and his scripts and walk off.... MORON!!!!
ps: the pharmacist is my housemate.... his facial expression was like fuck i'm innocent what i did to deserve this...Webfetti.combut i was happy that he got scold (xing zhai le huo)Webfetti.com
my housemate ask me to go ice skating on saturday..... hmmmmm.... expensive larrr... i dunno how to ice skate somemore... later fall down hurt myself lagi jialat.... rather spend my money go sing karoake.... more practical skills to learn..... see 1st la....
hmm.... can take pic and then post on bloggg wor..... maybe shud go then....


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