
Showing posts from May, 2008

Ice Skating

Is Saturday and i'm going ice skating. I am thinking if i could do roller blade then it wouldn't be a problem to ice skate then rite... since it's something similar to roller blade... Wutever!!... since i got nothing to do my as well go have so fun... So me and a bunch of friends meet up at utopia in myaree and have our dinner before departing... The road to the location is so dead... is located at industrial area.. The location is known as Cockburn Ice Arena , basically is like a huge long warehouse with 70% consist of ice surface ( 60m x 30m ) made up of artificial rinks (ice rinks means frozen body of water) Once you entered the warehouse you'll come across the counter, where you pay $17 per person and they will give you a chop (some kind of 3 ice crystal) on your hand... they only open at specific times which usually last 3-4 hours longs... the door is the entrance on the skate arena while on the left hand side is the cafeteria... wohoo.. laced up my sk

A small awkward night

Today after work while i was walking out the premises to car park after saying goodbye to my colleagues i shouted *alright (meaning time to go ) then there was this guy whom is a regular customers was infront of me kept looking at me.... he thought that i muz hv got something to tell him like that.... this guy and his wife very 'stingy' wan lo... everytime buy stuff eg. pain killer will spend so much times keep on asking prices and then think got money buy or not.... deng we sell our stuff so cheap d somemore consider so damn long... the stuffs she buys wasn't enough to pay my salary for the time i serve her lo... cannot tahan this kind of ppl back to topic..... so while he's looking at me of coz i ignore him la act didn't see him.... later i go pump petrol marr.... mana tau so sui.... same time arrive at petrol station and somemore park juz beside my petrol stand.... deng.... how come so NGAM wan... coz he arrive 1st ma... so i try to buy sometime in my car l

Navigation GPS

Today so hapless..... i was suppose to hand-in my intern pharmacy workbook at subiaco and then go straight to work... but i didn't know the way from subiaco to work... So the nite before, I spend like long mins finding my way in google map and WAHhh... navigation map is so useful larr..... i seems like so outdated only realizing how beneficial it can be.... previously i only uses google map to check out where is my house and places i been to (not realizing how useful it is). After playing with the navigation, i so wanna get a navigator so i don't get lost and always have to flip here and there with the map-book while driving.... so risky. Honestly when it comes to road issues.. i sux... Proof: the pic below is the way from subiaco to midland (my working place) The route i took Sighhh... after planning my route i still manage to miss a sign and took the wrong way..... Actually i was on the correct path d waiting for traffic light to go green and turn i