New Housemates

My new housemate will be coming tommorow yet my house is still untidy.... what do you expect for there is only us 2 males at home and none of us are those who would volountary do housework unless something comes up... the last time we clean up our house was few months ago (in february) whereas theres a house inspection.... obviously from then to now the dust, hair and other dirt would've accumulate...

Damn la i don't get it!!!... we never done anything to mess up the house... we only uses the bedroom, bathroom and once a while the kitchen... so the rest of the place should be spot clean laaaa... WHY IZZIT STILL DIRTY... if we never touch them they should remain the same cleanliness ma.... 'Pengsan ohhh when cleaning the floor'..... must clean every week only can maintain the house clean izzittt..... GRrrr.... u wait laa... dirty dirty la...not my problem...

no point taking pics to show how dirty my floor and furniture is coz you just can't see it on the pics unless i magnify it...

My cleaning efforts.... arrr so worth damn worth it

1st the bathroom...

Damn i spend like 2 hours to clean the bathroom and toilet... so tiring... my house dun have broom and mop lohh.... coz we don't do house chores so there isn't a need for them.... guess what i use.... fuking toilet paper (rolls) to pick up those hair and some geli geli stuff loh.... after all those 'wat tat' things are cleared... time to splash water on the floor to clean...
Damn la... the bathroom floor is at the same level (parallel) as outside floor (water will flow out)... deng the water won't drain down the hole.... motha fucker.... i have to use a cloth which is not very good at abosrbing water to suck-squeeze-suck squeeze the water bit by bit to dry the floor.... fuck ittt... damn frustrating fall down 2x somemore.... Grrrr... for god sake...

I absolutely fall in love with my bathroom once i clean it spotless.... due to all those efforts i put into... its hard not to appreciate my work...

2nd. My Chio room

As my bed sheets and linens all have just been washed and dried.... they are stiff not soft... they felt so uncomfortable that i have to get rid of them to have a goodnite sleep....
If you did notice... my comp's wallpaper is a sexy girl posing LV handbags... damn fuking chioooo....

I totally adore this LV monogram pulp weekender from my heart.... its so so so chiooo.... damnittt... i've gone crazy over this handbag for so long and just wanna buy it and keep it aside in order to get rid of it from always wandering/loittering in my mind..... its a seasonal bag as well (cost about aus $2.5-3k) Arrr i'm going crazy again.... i so wanna get it.... its so strikingly rich xxxx and is an art... whoever owns it sure will be damn chio lo...

Opportunity to show off my leng chai car as well.... TaDaaa my sexy babe...

Low cost kitchen and dining room
cheap living room.. 1st time when i move in the house is full of 'mangali taste' so damn geli....
To Welcome my new housemates.... this is what i've prepared... including a welcome note.... gals ma... i always got a soft heart... if boys 'chai ni tou sa'

Life has changed a bit since they moved in.... i'm so used to only 2 ppl at home another addition of 2 sort of strip away some of my freedom... just felt uneasy... but sort of trying to get used to it
God dammnit i no longer can shout out my lungs and sings loud loud or 'piao kao ing' d "ooooooo ohhhhhhh aaaAAAAAAAA aaaaa ahhhh aaaa" no more vitas wannabe which i like doing so much :( grumpy face x_x'' ... ~*boys just wanna get high*~ .....
Shittt shittt... now all i can do is crouch like a creep in my room and scream like cockroach like that... "Eeeekkkkkkk" so tormenting....
My housemate.... they are so hilarious.... seriouslyyy siao de.... they got bus but dun wan to take... rather walk to carousel shopping centre which took them more than 1 hour of journey... Must be siao liao... More sottt wan is they shop their groceries as though they are going to 'guo dong' saving up foods like animals -_-''
They bought so much veges and meat and is only for 2 ppl lo... as you can see they bought too much stuff d... they have to phone ppl to pick them up.. sigh~ pengsan -.-"

my fridge is stuff with green leafy stuff thats it nearly resembles a forrest... and now i have to cut through many trees before i could reach my lovely chocolate... (men diao) -.-"

And my freezer all red red as though i'm breeding a 'carnivor cub'... dunno what happen ever since then... my freezer can't close tightly.. is always loose and my ice cream just melted today due to the freezer not sealing properly... -.-" *raises his forehand and hit the forehead... pengsan

Sigh~ afterall they are still only some 18 yold kids trying to be independent... so can't really blame them for doing everything so extravagant.... >_<


Anonymous said…
Hmm is anyone else experiencing problems with the pictures on this blog
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Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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