
Showing posts from 2008

Dinning in arirrang

These few days has been raining quite heavily and my house car park is flooded.... theres one time it was so bad that when i came out of my car, my pair of sneakers got soaked in dirt water... -.-" Till i read the news only then i'm wary of whats going on... wild weather has lashes perth... heavy rains, hail with strongest winds (100km/h) and high tides have caused havoc in perth.... causing blackouts, road closure, damage and flooding... Storms in perth Damage roof due to strong gusted wind Witnessing waves of water splashes from the river ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~ Dining in ' ARIRRANG ' Korean restaurant specialising in korean barbeque cuisine It is popular for its bbq dishes cooked at the table over hot charchoal grill... However i've always thought that the amount they serve are small... cause i never felt full dining here before... Therefore this time when i ordered our bbq meat, i wanted it cooked by the chef due to small portion

My working place

This is my pharmacy Greg's Discount chemist in Midland... has been 2 year old now... it was a health fitness centre (gym) until the new owner took over... See the big signboard stating up to 50% off script..... thats what attracts so many customer and establish ourselves in the community in such a short period of times.... thats also what causes the most problems if customers don't get alot discounts or non with scripts items subsides by the goverment.... up till now i still faces customers asking about the pricing matterss.... i thought it will be over after such a long period since opening business Besides us locates a St john of god pathology centre (for blood test and stuff) and a funeral service while opposite us will be a medical centre which should be finished end of this year.... so by the look of it the pharmacy business will prosper in coming months... (the medical centre is built by the our owner as well... one rich guy) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

New Housemates

My new housemate will be coming tommorow yet my house is still untidy.... what do you expect for there is only us 2 males at home and none of us are those who would volountary do housework unless something comes up... the last time we clean up our house was few months ago (in february) whereas theres a house inspection.... obviously from then to now the dust, hair and other dirt would've accumulate... Damn la i don't get it!!!... we never done anything to mess up the house... we only uses the bedroom, bathroom and once a while the kitchen... so the rest of the place should be spot clean laaaa... WHY IZZIT STILL DIRTY... if we never touch them they should remain the same cleanliness ma.... 'Pengsan ohhh when cleaning the floor'..... must clean every week only can maintain the house clean izzittt..... GRrrr.... u wait laa... dirty dirty la...not my problem... no point taking pics to show how dirty my floor and furniture is coz you just can't see it on the pi